About Us

N O N - P R O F I T , V O L U N T A R Y A N D P R O F E S S I O N A L D E V E L O P M E N T F O C U S | S I N C E 1 9 7 3

Papua New Guinea Human Resource Institute is an autonomous and self-funding, not for profit professional association of human resource managers, practitioners and academicians in the country. It was first established in 1973 as a society of Personnel Managers and eventually incorporated in 1997 into the current body with membership and associates of more than 500 organizations and professionals in Papua New Guinea. PNGHRI also has more than 100 active Student Chapter members at the University of Papua New Guinea

PNGHRI in fulfilling its visions carries out professional human resources development activities like training’s, workshops, seminars, conferences and other capacity building programs. It is affiliated to the Asia Pacific Federation of Personal Managers Association. Sister Professional Organizations include Australian Human Resource Institute (AHRI), New Zealand Human Resources Institute (NZHRI), and ten (10) others in the Asia Pacific region.


  • To promote sustainable and integrated human development in the country and ensure every citizens reach their full potential.

  • To ensure that Human Resources practitioners add significant value to their employer’s success and productivity.

  • To exert authority and influence on all matters concerning human resource management in Papua New Guinea.

  • To assist in determining the most appropriate policy direction for sustainable human development and management in Papua New Guinea.


  • To be respected as the authority and the voice on all matters concerning Human Resource Management in Papua New Guinea.

  • To be in position by law to determine the policy direction of the government for sustainable human development in Papua New Guinea.

  • To become a member you can download a copy of the registration form and register. There are four (4) categories of members that we have in PNGHRI. We have the Affiliate Members, the Associate Members, the Members and the Corporate Members.