
N O N - P R O F I T , V O L U N T A R Y A N D P R O F E S S I O N A L D E V E L O P M E N T F O C U S | S I N C E 1 9 7 3


PNGHRI is committed to integral people development and professional excellence and national development through organizational excellence. PNGHRI has been in operation since 1973. PNGHRI is non-profit, independent and the peak professional body in Human Resource Development and Management networking, advocacy, international networking, professional accreditation and HRM undergraduate and graduate development and placements in Papua New Guinea.

National Theme

  • To develop a nation, develop its people; change the people and change the nation

  • A leadership without an engaging vision is a leadership out of control

  • The personality of a nation is the personality of its people; the soul of the nation is found in the heart of its people

Organizational Theme

  • Look after your people and your people will look after your organization

  • A competitive organization is made up of competent people

  • Organizations who will control the future are those who value the physical and intrinsic assets under its portfolio

Personal Theme

  • Lifelong personal learning and development is a calling, not an occupation

  • No ruler, nor power, nor influence in the world have monopoly over creativity and innovation nor the ability to make a day longer – everyone is still equal in potential to change their stars

  • Wisdom is not taught, nor transferred, nor traded, it’s a gift and imbedded in the genome of all, the value resonates only when applied